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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Sheet Steel Fabrications

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We have State of the art machinery, High capacity material handling cranes, Latest software tools and Skilled work force to produce best results in each of these there areas.

With these facilities we can manufacture Sheet steel fabricated assemblies from few Kgs. to few Tens of Tons.



Advance software tools are used to create 3D model of product as required by the customer. These are then unfolded with software to get developed drawings of flat product. These drawings are then processing through programs of CNC Laser cutting machines and CNC bending machines.

We use software tools like Autocad, Radan 3D design, Radan BendCNC, Radan Nesting and Trumpf Tops100 for Laser cutting and Bending operations. Usage of these software tools enable us to cut and shape precision components with minimal wastages and faster speed. In turn we can supply products faster and economical.


With the aid of software programs parts are cut in Laser cutting machines. We have state of the are Laser cutting machines which can cut parts with extremely low tolerance levels. These parts then pass through the process of shaping i.e. they are then bent using CNC press brakes. We have In some cases, as per the design parts are punched in CNC Turret Punch Presses.


After cutting and bending/punching processes various parts of assembly are sent for fabrication where they are joined by riveting, welding or screwing. This is another critical area for Sheet steel fabricators, as smallest deviation from tolerance limit can cause wastage of entire assembly.

We have latest welding facilities for MIG/MAG/TIG welding, Projection welding, CO2 welding and Gas welding. To add precision to these operations

we deploy out of the box tools such as Demmeler Modular fixtures, Welding Robots, etc.

The fabricated assemblies are sent for surface preparation and coating. A sheet steel assembly surface needs to be prepared for coating as there are several not uniformities and impurities that can act as a hindrance for protective coating. In order to ensure a good bonding between the metal and the protective coat, various methods like shot blasting, liquid dipping are used depending on the type of material. After preparing the surface, the assemblies are coated by powder coating, Epoxy Painting or Zinc Plating, as per requirement.

We have latest facilities of shot blasting, seven tank treatment, etc. for surface treatment. We have powder coating and epoxy painting facilities at our manufacturing plants.

We practice Lean Manufacturing Process at all our manufacturing Units; Which is explained below :

Commitment total customer value
People Leadership by example Highly skilled technical work force Realization 8, Ownership of role      
Flowing processes
Process Front loading Visual planning &tracking Standard Work Systematic knowledge capture reuse Mfg. & Supplier partnering Efficient design review
Integral Product development System
Technology Realization 8, Ownership of role Distributed collaboration & planning Enterprise content & process management Visualizations & mock up Document authoring & dynamic publishing Manufacturing process planning

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Argon Welding, Argon Welding Job Works, Cnc Laser Cutting, Cnc Machine Bending, Cnc Turret Punching, Metal Powder Welding Job Works, Mig Welding, Oxy Fuel Cutting, Plasma Cutting, Powder Welding Job Works, Products, Robotic Welding, Sand Blasting, Sheet Steel Fabrications, Spray Welding Job Works, Stick Welding, Tig Welding, Steel Laser Cutting